Development Charges are fees levied upon growth development to help pay for costs of infrastructure required to support and service new growth. Development Charges do not fund operating, maintenance or rehabilitation costs, as those are funded by property taxes from all Township properties, including the new growth properties.
Development Charges are calculated and levied in accordance with the Development Charges Act of Ontario, and the Township’s local Development Charges By-law. Development Charge bylaws must be fully updated at least each five years through a comprehensive review and study process regulated by the Act.
The Township is also responsible for the collection of Development Charges for the Region of York, and for the local Boards of Education.
Current Rates
Development Charges are indexed periodically to ensure purchasing power is maintained. The following tables summarize the Development Charges applicable in King Township, including the Region of York and education components. Users are cautioned to carefully note the applicability periods in the tables, as the effective dates of next indexing are noted. Most indexing occurs each January 1, and July 1, however smaller components within the York Region development charges index at other times of the year.
Other Township Documents
Notice of Passing Development Charge Bylaw 2021-002 - last day to appeal is February 20, 2021
Annual Development Charges Statements
Links to Other Information
2020 Township of King Development Charges Update Project
The Township has recently completed a comprehensive update of its Development Charges By-law and rates in accordance with the requirements of the Development Charges Act of Ontario. The new By-law was adopted by Council on January 11, 2021, with new rates effective January 12, 2021.