Hard Landscaping Exemption

At the May 15, 2023 meeting, Council approved By-law 2023-050, An Amendment to Site Alteration By-law 2020-39, requiring no residential lot containing a single-detached or semi-detached dwelling located in the Villages may contain more than 60 per cent hard landscaping and 80 per cent for townhouse dwellings calculated cumulatively over the entire lot. 

Click here for more information.

An exemption to the Hard Landscaping maximum maybe obtained by providing the following:

  • A grading and drainage site plan, prepared and stamped by a Qualified Professional;
  • A stormwater evaluation, including calculations and details to support the use of mitigation measures including Low Impact Development, prepared, and stamped by a Qualified Professional. The stormwater evaluation mitigation measures shall be designed to retain the 25mm storm event and control the 5 year storm event.
  • A post construction stamped certification letter by a Qualified Professional stating that the works have been completed and function as approved.  This certification must include the following statement:  I certify that the lot grading and stormwater management for the entire property has been installed in accordance with the grading & drainage site plan and stormwater report approved. 

Apply HERE

*** Please note that this is exclusively an exemption for excess hardscape only, and does not replace the need for a Minor Variance.***