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Service Offered

Property Tax:

  • Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) plan, either Monthly or Installment as Due is available. Please complete the Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Agreement and submit the form to pad@king.ca per the deadlines indicated on the PAD form.
  • Queries regarding property taxes and ownership
  • Payment can be made by pre-authorized bank withdrawal (Township PAD Program), at most financial institutions, including via personal online banking or by cheque. Credit cards are not accepted for tax payments.
  • Official tax letters, statements or bill reprints – charge applicable, based on Fees and Charges By-Law 
  • Change of ​Mailing Address​
  • Tax certificates (includes water information if applicable) – charges applicable, based on Fees and Charges By-Law
  • Senior Deferral Application
  • ​Section 357 Application Application for Adjustment of Property Taxes  
  • For Assessment information please contact Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) www.mpac.ca or call 1-866-296-MPAC (6722)


  • Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) plan is available. Please complete the Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Agreement​ and submit the form to pad@king.ca.
  • Queries regarding your water account balance
  • Payment can be made by pre-authorized bank withdrawal (Township PAD Program), at most financial institutions, including via personal online banking, by cheques or through the King Township website.  
  • Statement of account or bill reprints
  • Change of mailing address
  • Tenant Application
  • Water Rates

Online Services:

Online Payments

Tax payments can be made online through your financial institution. The tax roll account number must be 15 digits for the payment to be processed successfully (the format is 000xxxxxxxx0000 with no decimals or dashes). Search for "King" and select Tax from the list of payees through your financial institution. Please confirm your account format with your financial institution to ensure your payment is applied to the appropriate account..

The water account number must be 10 digits (the format is xxxxxxxxxx with no decimals). Search for "King" and select Water from the list of payees through your financial institution. Please confirm your account format with your financial institution to ensure your payment is applied to the appropriate account.​

Water bill payments can also be made through our online services.


For current year prices please see the Fees and Charges By-Law:

  • Garbage tag –  Available at the Township office, all arenas and our Online Services.
  • White goods sticker 
  • Bulk items sticker 
  • Dog tag (license) – sold for the calendar year starting in January. Price increases an extra $5.00 after April 15th.
  • Purchase of waste bins (available only at the Township office)
    • Blue boxes 
    • Green bins 
    • Kitchen catchers 
  • Composter 
  • Maps PDF large or small