Climate Change

We are proud to present the new draft of the King Community Climate Action Plan!

The Environmental Outreach and Sustainability Division is proud to present the newest draft of the King Community Climate Action Plan! It is now live on The plan is going to a Council Working Session on April 15th 2024. We would love to hear  all your comments, feedback, and ideas! 

Click the buttons below either to go to the SpeaKING page and leave any questions or comments, or go directly to the new draft!

Go to SpeaKing

New Draft of the KCCAP 

King Township Declares Climate Emergency​

King Township joined a growing movement across the world by declaring a climate emergency. This declaration was made to help deepen the commitment to being leaders in the environmental and climate change field and help keep climate change at the forefront when considering the impacts it may have on our community today, tomorrow and in the future.

King's NEW Electric Vehicle Charging Network

The Township wants to hear your feedback on owning Electric Vehicles and the charging infrastructure around the Township. We created a quick survey for you to fill out!

Click Here to fill out the survey!

A $200,000 grant from the Ministry of Natural Resources, which then added to the Township's $300,000 contribution, allowed for the installation of almost a dozen electric vehicle charging stations throughout the Township amounting to 20 charging connectors. The installation of Level 2 chargers and Level 3 rapid chargers that can charge most electric vehicles was completed in February 2022.

The Electric Vehicle Network is a step in the right direction towards achieving the Township's greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. 

Charging network information is available through ChargePoint.
Simply type in 'King, ON' in the search bar and the charge locations will appear. 

Nobleton Charging StationSchomberg EV charging station