ecoCaledon Enviro Challenge and Repair Cafe: November 18th

Community Event
Caledon Seniors Center: 7 Rotarian Drive , Caledon

Join in on the ecoCaledon Enviro Challenge* and Repair Café Event on November 18th to reduce your Enviro Footprint:
• Repair Café with Volunteer Fixers help you fix items and learn how they do repairs (e.g., small appliances, cloths, jewelry and pottery and electronics and more)
• Local Clubs and Organizations /local products for sale
• Speaker Topics include; electric cars, adding natural landscape to reduce climate impact, ideas to save money while reducing your impact on the environment
• Enviro Actions for Enviro Challenge: Food, Transportation/Home+ Energy and Adaptation to win while being part of the solution
• Many Activities including Holiday Crafts for Adults and Kids
• Refreshments
Event: Enviro Challenge including Repair Café
Date: Saturday November 18th
Time: 10:00 am -2:00 pm – drop in
Where: Caledon Seniors Center (7 Rotarian Drive)