
​​Planning Division Responsibilities

  • Land Use Planning and Development in King Township

  • Develops policy and zoning regulations for the Township as a whole and its settlement areas of King City, Nobleton and Schomberg

  • Implements the policy direction provided by the Ontario Government's Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, Greenbelt Plan, and Growth Plan, and York Region Official Plan

  • Undertakes area specific planning studies and guideline formation and to influence development in the Township

  • Reviews and processes applications for amendments to King Township's policy documents such as Official Plan and Zoning By-laws and makes recommendations to the Committee of the Whole and Township Council

  • Evaluates and approves minor development applications through the Site Plan Development Applications

  • Review development proposals in the Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine for conformity with Provincial, Regional and Township policy.

  • Administers the Committee of Adjustment which deals with Minor Variance and Severance Applications

  • Administers the Heritage Advisory Committee