Sustainable King: Green Development Standards

The Sustainable King: Green Development Standards program has been developed to expand upon the Township's sustainability initiatives. The program establishes metrics that will be used to evaluate the sustainable performance of new development in King Township. The metrics established through this program represent the vision for the Township and the Township’s overarching goal of creating a sustainable, resilient and healthy community for all.

Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program

The Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program is a tool that is used to evaluate new Site Plan Development applications for commercial, institutional, industrial and multi-unit residential developments. The Program is made up of four sections: Green Infrastructure, Natural Heritage, Efficiency and Conservation, and Healthy Communities. Proposed developments are required to demonstrate conformity with the Program as part of a complete application.

The Green Development Standards program supports diversifying land uses to ensure an appropriate balance between residential, commercial, industrial and institutional uses while also preserving the natural heritage system, agricultural system and open spaces through directing development to the Villages.

Draft Program Expansion!

The Project Team is happy to announce that the draft for the new ThinKING Green: Sustainable Development Program is now available in the Document Library on the SpeaKING Project Page!

ThinKING Green has been developed to expand upon and replace the Township's current Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program. ThinKING Green builds upon the Sustainable King: Green Development Standards Program by introducing a new Principle Area to the Program, and a number of new sustainability metrics. The Program also provides a new method for evaluating the sustainable performance of new development through the assignment of a Sustainability Score.

ThinKING Green implements the sustainability policies outlined in the Township's Our King Official Plan and aligns with the goals of the Township's Corporate Strategic Plan. The Program is also proposed to apply to all Site Plan Development and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications to ensure that all new development aligns with the Township's vision of a sustainable, healthy and resilient community.

ThinKING Green encourages all new development to protect and enhance the natural environment while utilizing efficient, innovative and sustainable measures. The sustainability metrics propose to reduce the environmental and carbon footprint of developments by incorporating alternative energy sources, innovative landscaping, and green technologies. The metrics also promote the identification, protection, enhancement, and restoration of the natural environment. New metrics have also been included to support the development of healthy communities through encouraging mixed-use development and a range of housing types in proximity to services and amenities.

All Site Plan Development Applications submitted under Site Plan Control By-law 2022-052, as amended (or its successor), and all Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications that do not require a subsequent Site Plan Development Application are proposed to be required to address the requirements of ThinKING Green as part of a Complete Application through the submission of the ThinKING Green Program Table (Appendix A).

Visit the ThinKING Green project page on SpeaKING for more information and to view the draft.