Notice of Complete Application Concerning a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Re: 16890 Jane Street, King Township (File No. Z-2024-13)

Growth Management Services

Take Notice that the Township of King has received a complete application for a proposed amendment to the Township of King Rural Zoning By-law 2022-053, as amended, to facilitate a re-development on the properties outlined below, submitted to the Township of King in accordance with Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, as amended, concerning 16890 Jane Street, Township of King.

The Planning Division has commenced processing the application. A Council Public Planning Meeting will be scheduled and held at a later date, with formal notice being provided pursuant to the statutory requirements of the Planning Act.

If you have received this notice as an owner of a property that contains seven (7) or more residential units, please post this notice in a visible location to all residents of the land. 

Subject Property

Location:                               16890 Jane Street, King Township
                                               Lot 31, Concession 5

Owner:                                   Pine Glen Holdings Inc.

Agent:                                    MPLAN Inc.  

File Number:                         Z-2024-13  

Proposed Changes

The subject application proposes to amend the King Township Rural Zoning By-Law 2022-053 to permit the use of an additional residential unit at 16890 Jane Street in the form of a farm help dwelling within the proposed on-farm building (barn), together with site specific regulations to accommodate the proposed building. 

The subject site is located on the west side of Jane Street, east of Highway 400, north of the 19th sideroad and south of Highway 9/Davis Drive West.  The site has an area of approximately 2.84 ha and is legally described as Part of Lot 31, Concession 5 in the Township of King, Regional Municipality of York. The property contains an existing Listed Heritage Home (one dwelling unit) and ancillary buildings, including a garage/workshop immediately adjacent to the house and a small shed and a new greenhouse, separated from the main house by a wooden fence and line of trees. The home and garage/workshop are accessed by a paved driveway. The subject lots are designated ‘Agricultural Area’ under the Township Official Plan ‘Our King’ and zoned as ‘Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside (ORC)’ by Zoning By-law 2022-053.

How to Stay Informed

A copy of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application, as well as related background information and supporting information are available by contacting Michael Maugeri, Planner – Development & Heritage at , between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., with reference to the address or file number for more information. Written comments in advance of the staff report being published may be sent to:

Michael Maugeri, Planner – Development & Heritage,  or by telephone at (289) 800-2574

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Council of the Township of King regarding the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, you must make a written request to the Clerk of the Township of King, 2585 King Road, King City, ON L7B 1A1, or by email at

Dated at the Township of King this 16th day of January 2025.

Denny Timm
Township Clerk
Corporation of the Township of King
2585 King Road
King City, ON  L7B 1A1

Location Map 16890 Jane Street