King Township's inclusion programming featured in Parasport Magazine's summer edition

Community Services

King Township's inclusion programming has received prominent recognition in the summer edition of Parasport Magazine, the official publication of ParaSport Ontario. ParaSport Ontario is dedicated to helping individuals with exceptionalities find, connect with, and participate in competitive and recreational sports programs and activities of their choice.

The magazine's editor sought to highlight the exceptional work being done in King Township and conducted interviews with staff who spoke about the extensive variety of programs King provides, emphasizing the Township's commitment to ensuring that all residents, regardless of their abilities, can participate in community programs and services.

The article delves into the various initiatives and programs that King Township offers, showcasing the Township's dedication to inclusivity and accessibility in sports and recreation. Readers can access the full article by selecting the Summer 2024 edition of Parasport Magazine and navigating to page 45 using this link.

King’s commitment to inclusivity ensures that all residents, regardless of ability, can participate in community programs. Our fall lineup ensures ‘there’s a sport for everyBODY’ with inclusion programming that includes: Exceptionalities Activity Programs, Everybody Dance Now and Adapted Gymnastics, delivered in partnership with Pulsars Gymnastics. Registration for these programs opens at 7a.m. on August 19.

For more information about King's inclusion programming, including locations, dates and times, visit

You can read the full article here.

Posted with permission of the publisher of Parasport Ontario. Original article first appeared in Parasport Magazine, Summer 2024 edition, July 2024