KING CITY, ONT.—The blended tax rate for King Township next year is estimated at 3.54 per cent which includes York Region tax rate and the various school boards; the average increase for the Township portion of municipal tax is 2.64 per cent over the past five years which is well below inflation.
King Township Council approved a 4.98 per cent municipal tax rate for 2024 during the Council Meeting on Monday, Dec. 11. The rate responds to the rising cost of inflation, increase in maintenance contracts, fuel and utilities, and a decrease in development charge revenue due to a slowdown in housing activity, while balancing the need for additional enhancements in the Township’s portion of the budget.
King’s budget process began earlier this fall, with the 2024 Budget Book being made available online for public review on November 1. The Township solicited public feedback through its online engagement platform at and gathered input through an in-person budget open house held on November 15, before proposing the increase to Council during the November 27 Council Meeting.
What Township Taxes Fund
The Township portion of King’s annual property tax funds operating budgets to support current service levels, programs and services as well as capital infrastructure. This includes snow removal from roads and sidewalks, road and bridge repairs and maintenance, fire and emergency response services, parks, recreation facilities and library branches. In 2024, the Township will have an operating budget levy of $36.3 million, and a capital budget of $14.7 million, for a total budget of $51.3 million.
Highlights of capital projects approved for funding in the 2024 budget include the following:
- Bridge and culvert rehabilitation: $1 million a year
- Road improvements: $1.6 million a year
- Traffic signals and calming: $160,000
- Asset Management Plan: $200,000
- Tree planting program $300, 000
Various reviews and studies will also be funded, including the Highway 11 Corridor Study and Employment Lands Strategy, and the Development Charge Study Update. These capital projects are in addition to Term of Council projects that will continue into 2024, including: $2.1 million for the reconstruction of Kettleby Road; funding the $86-million Township-Wide Recreation Centre; $9.7 million for the reconstruction of 15th Sideroad to Highway 27 and 10th Concession; and, $4.2 million for the Nobleton Revitalization Strategy with park enhancements.
To learn more about where your tax dollars go, view the informational video on King’s YouTube channel at
For more information, including the 2024 budget presentation and Budget Book, visit
Mayor Steve Pellegrini
Township of King
“At King Township, we recognize the ongoing challenges taxpayers face as inflation remains at a record high. That is why Council instructed staff to come back with a budget that respected taxpayers’ dollars while still delivering the programs and services they expect and deserve.
With fiscal responsibility top of mind, the King team presented a blended rate of 3.54% which includes the Township and estimates for York Region and the school boards, and is less than the increased cost of living. We have many things to be proud of in this budget, including significant investments in infrastructure, which will ensure that the quality of life in beautiful King remains great.”
Daniel Kostopoulos
CAO, Township of King
“Throughout the budget process, King staff looked at new and creative ways to cut costs and keep taxes as low as possible for the community. I am pleased that our Finance team collaborated with all departments to find over $834,000 in efficiencies, while making a sufficient investment in repairing and replacing critical infrastructure and keeping the current service levels the same for all residents to enjoy.
The approved budget represents a 4.98 per cent tax rate which is a further reduction from the initial proposed budget. The blended rate including an estimate from York Region and the school boards is 3.54%. The average increase over the past five years has been 2.64 per cent, which is below the record of inflation right now. Despite the rising cost of living, the Township is committed to keeping taxes low without compromising the service levels delivered to those who live, work and visit King.”
Media Contact(s)
Township of King
Andrea Gyarmati, Manager of Communications and Public Engagement
Township of King | Phone: 905-833-5321 | Email: