Drinking Water Quality


Through on-going regulatory water sampling, the Township has determined there are elevated sodium levels in the Ansnorveldt and Schomberg Drinking Water Systems. In response to these levels and as per the York Regional Health Department, the Township would like to advise all users of the systems of these elevated levels as well as a Sodium Fact Sheet. 

York Region experienced adverse sodium results at the Schomberg Water Treatment Plant and Elevated Tower, in 2020. These adverse results were 20.2 mg/L and 20.9 mg/L respectively. The Township also experienced an adverse test result in the Ansnorveldt system with a value of 41 mg/L, in 2019. The threshold limit for these systems is 20 mg/L. As per York Region Public Health Department the Township provides the following Fact Sheet and advises users of these systems that sodium levels are moderately elevated.

If you have any concerns regarding this matter, please contact the Township’s DWQMS Representative, Britany Hodge by phone 289-800-2611 or by email bhodge@king.ca

Water Reports

Section 11 of the Ontario Drinking Water Systems Regulation 170/03 (O.Reg.170/03) requires an Annual Report be prepared for water distribution and supply systems by February 28th of each year.

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