Township of King introduces hybrid Council meeting format

Corporate Services
General News
Media Release

The Township of King Council is welcoming back residents in person with the launch of hybrid meetings starting in April. The Township has introduced a new hybrid Council meeting model to allow the public to participate both in person in Council chambers or virtually from a remote location online by video or by phone.

To make the hybrid format possible, staff enhanced both audio and visual equipment and conducted extensive testing to ensure a seamless experience for participants.

Council meetings had been virtual for the public since the provincially mandated lockdowns were put in place at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Council has also moved to a Council-only format with the removal of the Committee of the Whole portion of the meeting. This includes producing only one ‘Council’ agenda to include all staff reports, motions and bylaws, resulting in easier access for the public, less confusion about where to find information and more efficient meetings.

Members of the public can continue to livestream Council meetings remotely by visiting

To learn more about Council meetings, find the next meeting date, or view the latest agenda, visit

Mayor Steve Pellegrini
Township of King

“We have extremely engaged residents and we’re looking forward to welcoming them back into Council chambers. We also know that for many people, attending remotely is more convenient. The hybrid model is the best of both worlds, allowing for both in-person and remote participation.”


Media Contact

Township of King
Jason Ballantyne, Communications Officer
Township of King | Phone: 416-559-5093 | Email: