King requests the Province reopen Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022, to consult with municipalities

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Township of King, Ont.— The Township of King is requesting that the Province “take no further action” with Bill 109, the More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022, which received Royal Assent on April 14, until municipalities and other stakeholders can be included in a consultation process.

Township planning staff produced a 26-page document in response to the release by the Province of draft Bill 109 for comment. King’s report outlines concerns that include timelines for municipalities to review planning applications, and the refund of fees to developers if those timelines are not met; increased Ministerial powers regarding land use decisions and appeals; and amendments to site plan control.

Additional concerns are detailed in the full report, which can be found here.

Bill 109 was posted on the Environmental Registry of Ontario with a commenting deadline of April 29, 2022. The Province approved the Bill before the commenting deadline by giving it Royal Assent on April 14, 2022.

The Province had tabled Bill 109 on March 30, 2022. The Bill moved to a second reading on March 31, 2022, and to Standing Committee on April 4, 2022.

The Township approved this resolution on April 25, 2022:



WHEREAS Bill 109 was posted on the Environmental Registry on March 30, 2022, with a thirty (30) day consultation period, ending on April 29, 2022; and

WHEREAS Bill 109 was approved on April 14, 2022, being the Thursday before a holiday long weekend; and

WHEREAS it is not understood why the Province elected to move forward with the approval of Bill 109 prior to the receipt and consideration of all comments; and

WHEREAS King Planning Staff spent many hours in reviewing Bill 109 and preparing a report outlining concerns and comments for Council’s consideration, which now will not be able to influence the Bill: and

WHEREAS Council has concerns with the early approval and lack of opportunity to submit meaningful comments to the Province on this matter;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Corporation of the Township of King request the Province to take no further actions with respect to Bill 109 until:

  1. All interested parties have the ability to submit comments to the Province by April 29, 2022.
  2. That the Province make the commitment to review all comments received; and
  3. That the Province conduct an open and comprehensive consultation with all interested parties to this Bill, especially with Municipalities that will be a significant partner in implementing Bill 109.

AND FURTHER, following the consultation process noted above, that the “revised” Bill 109 be released for comment for a period of a minimum of sixty (60) days”.

Dated the 25th day of April 2022

Mayor Steve Pellegrini

King has worked well with the Provincial government and has seen many positive projects move forward. It is concerning, however, that Bill 109, the More Homes for Everyone Act, received Royal Assent on April 14 during what should be a consultation process.

Municipalities need a seat at the table to ensure that there is a thoughtful approach to planning the future of our cities, towns and villages, giving Council and the community the time and resources needed to make important planning decisions together. The changes approved in the More Homes for Everyone Act pose a potential threat to the autonomy of Ontario’s 444 municipalities in determining their own futures.”


Township of King: Bill 109 - Proposed Planning Act Changes Ontario More Homes for Everyone Act: Legislation and Consultation

Association of Municipalities of Ontario: AMO’s Remarks on Bill 109: April 11, 2022

Province of Ontario: Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022


Media Contact Donna L. Kell, APR, Manager of Communications and Public Engagement
Township of King | Phone: 416-420-7492 | Email: